Class Ex.A: Creativity Enhancing Gumballinator 3000

How it works:
  • User consumes a gumball (that comes with the Gumballinator 3000), which will shrink and teleport the user into the Creativity Enhancing machine 
  • Chewing the gumball also helps connect user's brain to the machine so that his/her thoughts will be portrayed accurately upon activation of the machine 
    • Special air particles within the globe transforms the user's imagination into reality
  • The ability to experience and experiment with endless possibilities, rather than merely visualising one's thoughts will help enhance creativity 
  • The kid-like colours and objects in the globe will also trigger and awaken the inner child within the user, increasing his/her creativity exponentially 
  • Once the user is done using the Gumballinator 3000, he/she can slide out and return to normal size within 2 minutes 

Design process:

Being someone who has always been a huge fan of science fiction, fantasy, and Disney, I was determined to incorporate those elements into my machine. After coming up with a word web as taught by Dr Flude, I find myself associating creativity with a child-like innocence that is, more often that not, lost to the harsh realities of the adult world. As such, it was important for me to create an isolated space limited only by one's imagination.

Initially, I had some trouble deciding what best embodies "child-like innocence". It could be anything from giant cotton candy trees to chocolate rivers, or even rainbow unicorns. I eventually settled on a gumball machine because not only is it very child-like, it's spherical form mimics planets and thereby represents the new world that I had set out to create. Thereafter, I decided that the vastness of space and galaxies reflect the endless possibilities one can have in the machine. Hence, they were included and positioned to look like light bulbs to depict the formation of ideas upon activation of the machine.

Last but not least, the element of Disney comes into play through the colours of the machine.

Picture credits: [Mickey]



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