W3 Tutorial | Constructive Critique

Group mates: Lin Lin, Olivia, Deanne

Meltdown by Kerby Rosanes
Obtained from: http://kerbyrosanes.com/post/100655507202/meltdown-another-take-on-the-causes-and-threats-of

During class discussion, there was a unanimous decision to go with the artwork Lin Lin had selected as we felt that there is a lot more than meets the eye. Although it may look simple upon first glance, the explosive details Rosanes incorporated into his artwork really took our breath away. 

Produced by doodle artist, Kerby Rosanes, Meltdown depicts a menacing polar bear being torn apart by factories, vehicles, computers, poison, and more. This was done in black and white, on a moleskine journal. 

Analysis and Interpretation:
Though seemingly drawn at random, Rosanes' highly intentional choice of including certain elements illustrates his take on the issue of climate change. Along with its expression, the huge space the polar bear occupies points towards its ferocity and power. Ironically, this powerful creature is brutally ripped apart by the clutches of global warming, highlighting the deadliness of this phenomenon. 

The black ink used by Rosanes mimics the smoke produced by factories, one of the many causes of global warming. Furthermore, by using only black ink, Rosanes effectively brings out the deathly effects of this pressing issue where the page portraying pollution is darker as opposed to the page on the right. As such, this helps viewers empathise with the sense of suffocation felt by the creatures attempting to escape. 

Evaluation and Judgment:
We felt that Rosanes' choice of drawing a polar bear is very apt as polar bears are often used as a symbol of the deadly effects of global warming. 

Intentional or not, we also think that in choosing to tackle this issue through the form of doodling, Rosanes manages to highlight the way in which the general public view global warming. Just like how doodles are often said to be done absent-mindedly and not viewed as something with high importance, the threats and effects of global warming may be similarly dismissed or overshadowed by other issues. 

What was initially thought to be a simple doodle provoked us to think deeper into the issue of pollution and climate change.



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