I DAn't Even Know

A-Trak & Tommy Trash - Lose My Mind

The creators of this video really took the skills we have acquired over the past few workshops to a whole new level - scale, repetition, deconstruction, positive and negative space, and perhaps a hint of Dadaism as this piece really violates conventions.

So trippy! The title of this piece, Lose My Mind, is completely and utterly captured in the absurdity of this animation. I love it!

The way certain elements are combined and/or repeated seems to be intentional. Prior to the distortion, the pictures were probably beautifully posed. After, the way they were manipulated suggests the cause of insanity.

For example,
Deconstruction, Repetition

Perhaps, this office millennial tends to be perfectionistic, and thereby feels the need to control and oversee all that is happening in the office, resulting in the longer neck. Being overly critical of herself and her employees, and wanting to produce nothing but the best gives her an immense amount of pressure. Hence, resulting in insanity. 

On the other hand, she could be stressing out over finding her significant other. This explains the cats which, more often that not, are associated with lonely old grandmothers.

Deconstruction, Positive and Negative Space

The beautifully posed figures suggest that these women are models. Them being cut in half at the stomach highlights the emptiness of their stomach, and suggests that they might be putting too much pressure on themselves to diet and stay thin to look good. 

The black spaces on their faces suggest a loss of identity, perhaps a result of them not being able to eat what they want; not being able to be who they are as they are in the public's eye. The loss of identity could also be due to some people viewing models as commodities. 

All these could cause a tremendous amount of pressure and lead to insanity. 


The pressure to attend to important calls, meetings, clients, set priorities, and be at many places at once, are probably causes of stress and thereby insanity for this white-collared worker.



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