Project 1b | Magazine Research

About Betty: 
"Betty’s philosophy is for people to embrace who they are and celebrate it...Empowering and unifying women with a youthful state of mind and a nostalgic heart...Betty wants to give girls the confidence to be happy with who they are...They wanted to give people something different and to make the reader feel like they had discovered something unique...Betty is your new best friend."

"Our key content is based around 4 pillars: fashion, beauty, lifestyle and culture. Both online and in the print magazine we bring our readers a mixture of these, from updates on current exhibitions to recipes, the latest release of one of our favourite designers to places to visit."




Rationale for Choice:
I had quite a hard time looking for sample advertisements as, I believe, Betty is quite a niche and relatively new (est. 2010) magazine.

Dunkin' Donuts has "items there for markets 5 and up in age, all genders, races, nationalities etc...their main target market is adults from 25-55 years of age, working class, all races and all genders." [source] Dunkin' has also relaunched in the UK not too long ago (2014) [source].

Currently, a Dunkin' Donuts consumer is generally very high income, Caucasian, and senior age, according to InfoScout.

Given that majority of Betty's readers are 18-34 years old (readers aged 35-44 are also quite significant), advertising with Betty allows Dunkin' to reach other target age groups that they are currently not having a relatively high reach. Furthermore, since Betty is based in the UK, it allows Dunkin' to reach their relatively new market.

Next, Dunkin's simple and witty ads fit well with Betty's aesthetic. The illustrations present in Betty are also similar to some of Dunkin's ads.

The majority of Betty readers spend their time reading books, crafting, going out for dinner, cooking/baking, shopping, and going out for drinks (>65 percent). By advertising with Betty, Dunkin' can align itself with Betty's image to appeal to their readers as well as others within similar age groups. Perhaps, given their love for baking and reading, Betty readers (and people like them) can read their books whilst having a donut and a cup of coffee in Dunkin' outlets in the future.

Promoting Dunkin' to be a conducive and supportive space for studying/working can further Dunkin's attempts to appeal to students and young adults (e.g. 'Produnktivity'),

More on image alignment, Dunkin' can pride itself to be supportive (embrace who they are and celebrate it), youthful (youthful state of mind), nostalgic (nostalgic heart), unique (discovered something unique), and a best friend (new best friend) to consumers, just like Betty's philosophy.

By doing so, Dunkin' can further promote itself to be a lifestyle inseparable from its consumers (or friends).

Interesting Read: The Huge Differences Between Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts Coffee Drinkers



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