Project 1b | Advert Sequence

Original Images:

Advert Sequence: 
Landing On The Donut Planet
(because Dunkin' Donuts are out of this world)

Combining Dunkin's style of fun and witty ads with Betty's colourful aesthetics, I came up with this advert sequence. 

The three adverts are linked by narrative, depicting how the Dunkin' planet is discovered. Dunkin's brand colours were subtly incorporated - the pink and orange astronauts, pink and orange flag, and pink donut. Circular motifs were also included to mimic the circular form of a donut. 

A thick white outline was used to make donuts stand out. The pink donut in the second and third adverts were also outlined because the quality of print was compromised when they were scaled upwards by a significant amount. Same goes for the astronaut in the third advert. 

Design Process: 
Based on the images I have accumulated over the semester, I came up with very rough drafts. Before deciding on the 'Donut Planet' series, I wanted to go with a wonderland themed advert sequence to portray how Dunkin's donuts are truly magical. However, I decided that the 'Donut Planet' series is more unique and fun, just like Dunkin' Donuts' ads.

I experimented with positive and negative space and tried to come up with something special (as you can see from my first and second drafts), but I was not very successful. In the end, I just placed the 'donut float' over the "hole" of the pink donut. Admittedly, it is not very obvious that I had done that.

Elements obtained from images 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This ad shows two astronauts pointing to the donut planet. 

Just like Project 1a, I started off by selecting elements for the background. Many elements had to be scaled and repeated so that the page would be filled. The donut was duplicated and pieced together as the original one was slightly cut off. I also tried to place the main elements on the intersecting points of the rule of thirds, so as to achieve a more pleasing composition. Lines were also used to make important elements stand out - the donut, in this case. 

Elements obtained from images 1, 2, and 7. This ad shows an astronaut marking his discovery with a flag. 

Here, the astronaut's left leg was actually duplicated and placed over the right leg to make it more visually appealing. The rings of the planets were also placed over the donuts so that the donuts would bear more resemblance to planets. The flag is actually a rocket, but was coloured in the colours of Dunkin' to make it look more like a flag. 

Elements obtained from images 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. This ad shows a dunked donut, and an astronaut floating on coffee. 

Here, the pink donut was actually duplicated and combined to form a larger donut, so that the compromisation of quality due to scaling is minimised. The "coffee" was obtained from the background of image 3, as the wavy lines resemble liquid. Its colours were changed to look more like coffee. 

The biggest difficulties I faced were scaling the scaling the elements to the right size, quality compromisation due to scaling, and piecing the background together. Although it is not as obvious in the digital copy, the "cracks" on the background is very evident in the physical copy. This is because multiple copies of the element had to be pieced together to fill the space. 

In my opinion, this advert sequence gives off fun and playful vibes. The illustration portrays Dunkin' as youthful, while the narrative of discovery portrays Dunkin' as something unique. All of qualities are in line with Betty's philosophy as well as Dunkin's style of fun and witty advertisements. The play on words (dunked donut) in the third advert is the clearest example. Making the donuts into planets and floats are other examples of fun and wit. 



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